Wedding officiant Los Angeles

Looking for LA wedding officiant?



The marriage of two people is the most sacred, memorable, and life changing event in a relationship. It is a ritualistic moment that signifies the deep love of two individuals that are choosing to become ONE. It is a glorious day in their lives, one that they will cherish forever.

Kim Stanwood Terranova has an unforgettable gift of bringing love, honesty and inspiration to all that are near. Her ability to officiate the most memorable wedding ever, is evident in every ceremony she creates and delivers. Her ceremonies are written specifically for every individual wedding, and her words run deep into the heart of those saying “I Do,” as well as all that are near.

Contact us and we’ll get back to you ASAP.




John and Stefanie

Wedding Image 002” Kim was our wedding angel. She wrote the perfect nuptials, they were beautiful, touching and loving! She integrated our children in a most elegant way that blessed our two families becoming one. Kim has the sunshine on her side, her words magically flow from the heart, her presence is delightful and beautiful. She is gifted with a sensitive and loving energy. We could have not asked for a more perfect officiate to marry us. ”


Cynthia and Mark


“As our officiant, Kim created a sacred space for our wedding. She was personal, professional and loving. Before writing our vows, she really took time to get to know us both as individuals and as a couple. Kim’s calm, joyful presence added a welcome dimension to our special day. My husband and I have wonderful memories of our wedding. We’re so happy we chose her!”


Kim Stanwood Terranova, ALSP, a Malibu, Los Angeles wedding officiant. Get in touch right now.