Meet Kim

Kim Stanwood Terranova, ALSP

Kim Stanwood Terranova is a woman that understands the power we have to create our own destiny. She knows and lives by the truth that anything is possible and that we are all here to co-create our beautiful and glorious lives.

teamkimKim has been dubbed, the “mind chiropractor,” for her ability to assist her clients in shifting their perspective to see and experience infinite possibility where before they thought there was none. Her teachings have altered the direction of her client’s lives in areas of relationship, career, self-love and empowerment as well as financial success. Being in her presence has opened them up more fully to a life of unlimited clarity, purpose, joy and success.

Kim holds a license as a Practitioner of Truth from The Agape International Spiritual Center, as well as a Bachelors Degree in Spiritual Studies. For over twenty-five years she has immersed herself in the deep understanding and practice of universal spiritual truth and wisdom. Kim has studied and worked with spiritual teachers such Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Terry Cole Whitacker, Rhonda Britten of Starting Over, Pamala Oslie, and many more.

Early in 2000 she founded Namaste’ Retreats, a retreat experience that offers individuals a pathway if going deeper on their personal path of growth and self-expression. Soon after that she included Namaste’ Retreats for children where she guides young ones into embracing meditation, gratitude, self empowerment and incorporating spiritual tools to assist them in life. Kim’s commitment to her clients and all those that cross her path is to hold them in the highest light, to know the spiritual Truth for them while they awaken to their own greatness.